A 21 y/o man presents to the ED with pain in right low quadrant (RLQ) , anorexia, nausea and vomiting. His abdomen is soft, with a mild tenderness in RLQ, the psoas sign is positive. The pain is aggravate by cough. You perform kindly a rectal examination with pain.
Are this signs useful for the…
A 30 yo man from Zambia comes to the ED accompained by his girlfriend, he is HIV positive and he has pneumonia, he never done CD4 count. CD4 count of < 200 signifies a greater risk for opportunistic infections = recovery. I can’t wait for the reponse of the CD4 count…
How much an absolute…
T he Likelihood Ratio (LR) is the likelihood that a given test result would be expected in a patient with the target disorder, compared to the likelihood that that same result would be expected in a patient without the target disorder. In other words… The LR of any test or clinical finding or symptom…
A Life at Risk: what is the risk for a returning traveler with fever from an area at risk for malaria despite a negative blood smear? what is the risk for a patient with a right-sided pain to have a AAA that mimic a acute cholecystitis? what is the risk to a woman that complains…